I recall from my school days that I absolutely loathed having to write papers. I would prefer an exam over an essay any day. That was until I felt I had something worth writing about. It all started as a means to keep loved ones informed about test results and decisions regarding treatment through the website, Caring Bridge. As I started to record my journey, I found an emotional release occurred, and I could face the uncertainty of each new day because my reflections kept pointing me to God’s intimate care and concern for me. My journal became an inventory of sorts, an inventory of the Lord’s goodness. So when my health crisis started to move into my rear view mirror, I couldn’t help but feel the need to take my writing to a new home. Hence, Pinked Perspective was birthed.
I thought and prayed a bit about the decision to start a blog. Fortunately, the still small voice drowned out Satan’s telling me that no one would have time or interest in reading my random thoughts especially since they were centered on the c-word. The idea that there just might be some part of my story that resonates and encourages someone else prevailed.
Once the decision was made to create a blog, I labored over the perfect title to capture the thoughts I wanted to convey. Other than the obvious allusion to the color most associated with breast cancer, pinked is also a synonym for pierced or stabbed. Ding, ding! We have a winner, folks! At least, I hope it is a winner in God’s eyes.
Click Here if you have a health crisis and want a great site to help loved ones stay informed.
That Bloomin' Garden says
Keep writing as it helps us deal with my mother in laws lung cancer. What you have learned will help us on our journey to health.
Kara Hamilton says
Thanks for reading!