There were so many people that reached out to me during my journey. The Lord will bring to mind those thoughtful acts of love at different times. When the annoying effects of Tamoxifen or the thoughts about what my body is missing try to get me down, I choose to think about all the ways I am blessed instead.
There was one day that I went to the mailbox to find a beautiful gift from a friend. It was a hand stamped necklace that read “Blessed” with a pearl that hung with it. I am not certain who made my necklace but ever since I received it, I have become a fan of hand stamped jewelry. Artists like those at Vintage Pearl and Lisa Leonard Designs offer a neat reminder of whatever it is your Pink Warrior friend needs to be reminded of. For me, I needed to remember that despite what I was facing, the blessing would always outweigh the struggle.
[…] Day 20: Buy Her Hand Stamped Jewelry […]