The theme of my heart lately has definitely been celebrating my smallness and striving toward small moment living. This is mostly due to my focus on reading Emily Freeman’s latest book, Simply Tuesday. Sometimes birthdays can seem like small moments especially for those insignificant numbers like 38. However since four years ago when future birthdays became a question mark, I refuse to let them be small moments in my life. So this weekend was full of big moments and I wanted to mark it with a prayer for the small moments and Tuesday’s that are coming this year.
Lord, Let the light of Your face shine on me. Fill my heart with joy in the big moments, the small moments and even in the tragic moments. In peace, I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me (and those I love) dwell in safety.” Inspired by Psalm 4:6-8
I’m sure there will be times when my joy will wane and my sleep will be less than peaceful, but I know the Lord always hears Me. And in case, I was tempted to doubt it, he gave me this…
A special weekend surrounded by my favorite things and people
Marilyn Anderes says
Happy Birthday, Kara! You turned 38 on our 50th anniversary. Congratulations.. Loved the photo of you with your Mom and Dad and also so good to,see Matt. Love you, Marilyn