Shana (center in purple) and her Bootcamp Workout Buddies a.k.a. Support Squad
To know Shana Tooley is to absolutely love her! I have loved her for the last (almost) six years since she was went above and beyond to care for the least of these, our Son as his 3’s Preschool Teacher at Asbury while his mom was dealing with diagnosis, surgery and chemotherapy for breast cancer. To say the least it was a tough year, but people like Shana made it possible to know God was with us no matter what. There is way more to be said about this Warrior Story so stay tuned…
For now, Shana and her Bootcamp Workout Buddies have organized a 7K run/walk/workout TOMORROW, this Sat, May 20th at 7am at Chesapeake Bay Foundation to raise funds for Pinked Perspective and The Wellness House, two local organizations she has chosen to support. Thank you so much, Shana and Friends! I would love for you to join us this Saturday and help support Shana as she continues on her journey, specifically chemotherapy that begins this coming Monday, May 22nd.
Click on the link below for more details.