So it’s Tuesday, that day that is so wedged in the middle for the mundane that it has become known as Simply Tuesday thanks to one of my favorite authors, Emily P. Freeman. (A wonderful read by the way!) Does Tuesday look different since quarantine or does every other day just feel more like Tuesday now? Regardless I thought I would start something new this Simply Tuesday.
Today I am starting “Meet the Team Tuesday” during which I take some time to introduce you to one of the key players in the ministry of Pinked Perspective. For this first Meet the Team, I wanted to introduce you to someone that was very much behind the scenes in getting all the i’s dotted and t’s crossed in making my dreams and ideas for Pinked Perspective a reality- my dad, Dennis.
Aside from Pinked, my parents have been my biggest cheerleaders in whatever I have taken on in life. So when breast cancer was required to be taken on, they were of course with me through everything-helping with the day to day that a three and one year old required but also pointing me to Christ the whole time. I know what a precious gift that was!

When I had this calling to start Pinked, their cheerleading was again a huge reason I stepped out to do it. Practically speaking, Pinked would not exist without my dad’s legal and accounting expertise. He was the one to set it up as Pinked Perspective, Inc. and got us established as a 501c3 in 2014. We continue to work together to stay up to date on all the federal and state requirements of a non-profit. He tends to know stuff, so I look to him for guidance.
Both my mom and my dad are huge contributors to the Think Pink event every October as well. As I have said many times before, it is a bit of a celebration for our family to remember where we have been and how far we have come. This past October at Think Pink 2019, we had yet another thing to celebrate as my dad walked his own melanoma cancer journey this year. He underwent major melanoma/skin grafting surgery for Stage 2 Melanoma of his scalp in June of 2019. It was another abrupt reminder for me of God’s goodness to me to have parents that have loved me so well all of my life. Keeping our distance from them during this time of quarantine is definitely one of the greatest challenges we are facing. We are hoping they know just how much we appreciate them and are missing them.

Click HERE to read more about my parents from a previous post in the Warrior Wall series!