As I reflected in order to write a message for our family Christmas card this year, I recalled that familiarity between the days of living through breast cancer treatment 10 years ago and the days of deep quarantine of 2020 which reminded us that there is much value in “Slow and Rest”. Then with a flip of the calendar to 2021, life (not quite as we knew it) resumed with an accelerated sense of chaos, and “Unrest” quickly became the soul’s atmosphere. While I am eager to have 2021 in the rear view, to be honest I look out into 2022 with much trepidation. Yesterday, we spent some time as a family recounting the good that happened in 2021. While the hard certainly outweighed the good, it was helpful to name the good. And we are clinging to the promise of John 14:27 “My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” In other words, my friends, His Peace (not the world’s) is what allows our hearts to “Be Brave in 2022”. Much love and prayers here from Pinked. ~Kara |
We are so thankful for the recurring payroll giving and the end of year gifts we received, not to mention all the other ways that you showed your love and support to this ministry during this very difficult year of 2021. The support has remained steady, and we are so grateful. It allows us to continue reaching out to those facing breast cancer treatment in ways we would not be able to without you. Although we are pretty well stocked at the moment, we plan to continue updating our Amazon Wishlist to keep it current with our needs. Be sure to check your inbox on that First Monday to hear about the latest happenings and needs of Pinked Perspective. |