October 2020 is here! And that means…we are one month closer to saying goodbye to this unforgettable year. It also means we get to take some time to celebrate the Pink Warriors who power through their illness so bravely. Global pandemic or not, you can’t mask a warrior’s courage. We all know this an October like none other that we have experienced, so we could use all the LOVE we can get from friends of Pinked, near and far! We are so excited to share all the ways to show your Passion for Pinked Perspective this October:
#1 Pop In for Pinked!
Pop In for Pinked 9-11 am on Oct 24th at Holy Grounds at the Severna Park Community Center for our mini Think Pink 2020 celebration. We will be stationed at Holy Grounds in Severna Park collecting donations of the items that go into our breast cancer kits. We will also be selling our newest awesome Pinked gear, honoring the Pink Warriors and providing a little something for our Jr Pinked supporters. We ask that you wear masks and help us adhere to Covid guidelines. It is a free event! For registration go to www.pinkedperspective.org/events/
#2 On Mondays, we POST PINK!
Throughout October, we ask that you share your love for the Pinked ministry on your favorite social media platform using the hashtag #poweringthru2020inpink and include a link to our support page – www.pinkedperspective.org/support. Be on the lookout for our own Monday posts on Facebook and Instagram that you can easily share, since Mondays are hard enough on their own (pandemic or not).

#3 Use your PURCHASING POWER for Pinked!
Is your mask wardrobe feeling a bit stale? We now have custom Pinked Perspective masks made by our friends at Stitches of Kindness ($5 each, available in both youth and adult sizes) In addition, our newest item of Pinked Merch, our Graphite Heather (gray) screen printed hoodie, is the perfect piece for all your socially distant outdoor activities this fall. ($30-$33, available in Youth and Adult Sizes, arrange for shipping at an additional cost) Message us HERE to order today!

As always, we offer opportunities for families and local businesses to sponsor our Think Pink Event. Last year’s sponsors helped make our event a huge success (See our 2019 Welcome Banner below)! If you are a local business or organization that is planning for something special in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month, we would love to help you get the word out! Message us for more details on sponsorship or let us know what you are doing for the Pink Warriors this October!
(Last but certainly not least!) We are so thankful for the many ways that The Lord has provided for and grown the ministry of Pinked Perspective over the years. We ask that you would keep all the Pink Warriors in mind and prayer this October, as well as pray that God would continue to grow and bless this ministry until its mission has been succeeded by a CURE!