Lately I have been trying to live with more of an expectant faith. During my diagnosis and treatment, I felt like I was seeing God answer my prayers and reveal Himself to me on a daily basis. As we have gotten further from those anxious days, I admit I have been less conscious of looking for Him and expecting Him to show off to me.
There were a few things we knew we wanted to do while we were on Maui. One of those was to snorkel along the Molokini crater. So we made a reservation for my parents and Blake and me for a boat tour on the Maui Magic to do whale watching and snorkeling for today. We got an early start and as we drove to the Maalaea Harbor, it looked to be a cloudy day. However, the skies cleared and we had the most amazing boat ride. Even the crew said it was a red letter day for them. As soon as we left the harbor, we were seeing the Humpback Whales breaching out ahead. Hawaii is one of the very few places in the world you can see Humpback Whales, and they are only here in the winter months. We got to see many calves practicing their breaching with their mommas by their sides since this is a learned maneuver for them. We witnessed a white Humpback Whale which according to our boat crew is very rare. One of the crew members told us “Hana ho!” which means “encore or do it again” is what we say to the whales when we want them to breach or show their flukes again.
We snorkeled at two incredible spots and enjoyed seeing the southern shore of Maui from the boat. On the way back to the harbor we all started to spot a calf and mother whale breaching very close to the boat. Suddenly a male “escort” following behind the other two breached right next to the left side of the boat and swam underneath our boat. It was a scary moment not knowing if he might turn the boat over and we might be the next big news story here on Maui. I was able to get some unbelievable video footage as he passed underneath the boat and came up to display his fluke on the right side of our boat. I didn’t realize the magnitude of this experience I had heard so much about until I got to have it for myself. They are absolutely huge and amazing creatures.
I don’t know why it should surprise me that we got so much more out of today’s boat trip than I expected. Of course, it was just God doing His thing! Hana ho!