“Ohana” means family and that was what this day was all about. We got to spend the day with Blake’s sisters, Aunty Erin and Aunty Mercy, Mercy’s husband Uncle Nick, Po Po and Goong Goong. (It would have been truly complete if Aunty Fay and Uncle Jim could have been with us too.)
Blake took us to Kailua Beach, an incredible beach that I had not been to before. The kids made up for some much missed playtime with their Aunties and Uncle
We ate at a yummy plate lunch place and walked through the Windward Mall in Kaneohe. Then we visited the Valley of the Temples where Blake’s dad Harry is buried. We saw Buddha and fed the many Koi at the Temple.
On the way home, we looked out the window to see a beautiful rainbow and knew we needed to stop at Kualoa Beach Park for a view of Chinaman’s Hat and the Kualoa mountains.
The day ended relaxing in the backyard while the kids played and went for a ride in Po Po and Goong Goong’s bikes.