Catching the sunrise at the beach with a few of my best friends has become one of my favorite past times. I have heard that there is nothing like a sunrise at Haleakala so I was determined to see it for myself. It is a big commitment to trek up Hakeakala before the sun comes up because it means waking up at 3 am. He was not thrilled but I convinced Blake to do it with me. And my parents have seen the sunrise at Haleakala so there wasn’t much convincing needed.
At the top of Haleakala at 6 am it was 39 degrees with crazy winds and too many clouds to actually get a full glimpse of the sun. All factors considered I would not have missed the experience for anything. It was an unforgettable sight at the summit of the volcano surrounded by fluffy clouds looking down into the crater.
The other amazing thing about making the journey is that you have to travel up a winding road in the pitch black. There are tour buses that would gladly have taken us up (some even provide bikes for you to ride back down), but my dad was the driver this time. After the sun is up, the ride back down is full of breathtaking views. It was so worth the 3 am wake up for me! For Blake, I am not so sure. He claims to be more of a sunset kinda guy.
{View of Maalaea Harbor and the west part of Maui from Haleakala}
Since Haleakala is an early morning adventure, we had plenty of day yet to fill back where it was warm. We went for a Champagne Sunday Brunch at the Kaanapali Beach Hotel next door. The music and hula dancing were really exciting for Kalea while Koa really enjoyed the coconut checker board and the tikis. The food was exciting for all of us!
Since it was our last full day on Maui we tried our best to savor every moment and get as many pictures as possible.
{Our pool at The Whaler}
{One of my new favorite pictures}