There is a bit of a commitment involved when getting up early to watch the sunrise. It requires slipping out from under those toasty blankets and tiptoeing through the house to grab your keys and such {such for me is yummy cup of coffee} while taking the chance of waking those slumbering babies much before their due time. But ever since I started taking in sunrises at the invitation of a few friends who had figured out the refreshment in it long before I did, I have not yet been disappointed or regretted getting up to go.
As I sit this morning watching the sun rise in a cloudy St. Augustine sky, I am reminded of one of my favorite truths about sunrises. If we take the time to seek out God’s glory, we will always find it. Even with the clouds and oftentimes because of the clouds, there is even greater glory.
Such is true of nature, but isn’t it also true of our circumstances?
“The eyes of all look to you, and you give them their food at the proper time. You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing.” (Psalm 145:15, 16 NIV84)