So it’s Tuesday, that day that is so wedged in the middle for the mundane that it has become known as Simply Tuesday thanks to one of my favorite authors, Emily P. Freeman. (A wonderful read by the way!) Does Tuesday look different since quarantine or does every other day just feel more like Tuesday […]
Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Matthew 11:28-29 In some of the internet circles I pay attention to, it is […]
Reminders from the Ceiling Tiles (RePost)
I feel truly blessed to live just outside of Annapolis and have access to such an amazing Breast Center at Anne Arundel Medical Center. When I reflect on those days of going through treatment 7 years ago, I can’t help but be so proud of what we have for Breast Cancer care just minutes down […]
Friday Introductions: Wendy
Since Pinked Perspective would never function with just me, I feel the need to start introducing you to some key players behind this ministry of supporting those facing a breast cancer diagnosis. Today I am introducing you to my friend, Wendy! Many of the sweetest moments of Pinked Perspective at our Think Pink Events over […]
Let Every Heart
There is a constant struggle I face with every advent season, and I find I am in the midst of the struggle right now. Simply stated, I am afraid I will miss it! I could blame the December birthdays in our household or the visiting of out of town family on top of the preparations […]
October Grace
If I am honest, I have mixed emotions about October. As it approaches every year, I try to brace myself for it. I brace for the struggle of it because the discouraging moments are bound to come. But in the end, I find I am bracing more for the moments that blow me away and […]
The Best is Yet to Be
On May 18th, my husband and I celebrated 14 years of marriage. This sign was given to us as a gift for our anniversary, and it now hangs in our family room next to the fireplace. It is a spot that I can see well from my “thinking chair” and lately the saying has been […]
Warrior Shana
Back in May, I enjoyed my 9th Mothers Day as a mom myself. 9! Nine! I would believe that to be complete nonsense if I didn’t have a freckled face, dimple-cheeked nine year old staring back at me everyday. The same face that looks at me like he knows infinitely more about everything in the […]
Merry Christmas from Pinked Perspective
With every event that we planned this year whether it was Relay for Life in early summer, an unbelievable 5 year anniversary fundraiser at Neo in Annapolis in July or the 4th annual Think Pink Family Fun Walk in October, I hoped that each would have an obvious element of celebration to them. The raising […]
I Vote for Heaven: A Tribute to Mary
Today I woke up longing for heaven. There are many days lately that I do, especially after last year’s study of the book of Revelation. The sparkling of precious stones all around…the wiping of every tear…the old order of things passing away…the One on the throne taking His rightful place. And everyone testifying to it. […]
Join Us For The 4th Annual Think Pink Family Fun Run/Walk
October is almost here! There are a many breast cancer awareness events out there this coming month but we hope that you might get involved with Pinked Perspective this year. Please consider joining us for the 4th Annual Think Pink Family Fun Run/Walk and Breakfast. We have some exciting new opportunities this year such as […]
A 39th Birthday Bullet Journal Entry and Prayer
As I stand on the brink of my 39th year or is it really my 40th year since for our entire first year of life we are actually still zero. Honestly I am not sure my 39 year old brain can figure that out at the moment. All I know is next year at this […]
He Knows Me
July was extraordinary. Of course, it already had some advantages being that it is summer and have I ever said how much I. LOVE. SUMMER?! Five years ago my love for summer was threatened by some hard news, the start of a rough road, and a canceled vacation. The summers since then haven’t always been easy either. […]
Don’t Mess With Tradition {A 5 Year Anniversary Repost}
It is always hard getting back into the swing of life after vacation. Can I get a witness? Last week my emotions were all over the place. I was short with my kids, disillusioned with work, frustrated by relationships and a bit anxious about Pinked all while also feeling really motivated to get some things […]
My 5 Year Hair Journey
My last post was a repost of some thoughts after being given my formal diagnosis on Friday, July 29, 2011. That was the day we met with the breast surgeon and nurse navigator to hear the pathology results from my biopsy two days before. There was a lot of information thrown our way that afternoon. […]