It is always hard to flip the calendar to November. I do find that October brings me incredible energy and purpose. We are confident that the victories that we experience in October are out of our hands. That is why we knew that in facing this very different October, we could trust that the support for this ministry would be ever-present. Instead of preparing for one day of the month, we were intentional to rally support throughout the entire month of October. Thank you so much to all that showed your support of Pinked Perspective this past month. There were so many highlights to this Pinked October 2020! Click on the video link below to view some of the highlights from October:
Our Sponsors and Donors of Raffle Items are such an essential part of the success of our Think Pink Event. We are so grateful for all the businesses listed on our 2020 Welcome Banner: Diane & Crew, The Bailey Family, The Daughters of Penelope Arion Chapter 298, Grand Image in honor of Amy Raab, Stitches of Kindness, Dr. Mark Preslan, Stef Ripple, Benkovich Orthodontics, Virtous Wellness Center, Cookie & Cocco, and Your Preppy Present

As always, let us know if you know of anyone that would be in need of the support that Pinked Perspective provides.
Enjoy this month of giving thanks!