One of my absolute favorite things are photos. I can be a kinda annoying about it but I have found that it is my way (sometimes my only way) of remembering a moment in time. There are so many great moments in life that I want to remember. I want to remember the joy I […]
July is Underway!
Happy July! We had a great start to July as a family at the Beach. We got to take part in a fun 4th of July parade in the town of Bethany Beach. Felt a little like a leap back in time to a small town. I am a big fan of both of those! […]
Reminders From The Ceiling Tiles
Lately I have been reading Dr David Jeremiah and looking up at a few of these again. These two things take me back to a very unsettling time. Dr David Jeremiah’s book When Your World Falls Apart (along with Jesus Calling) is what I ran to in the desperate days when I first learned of […]
Relay for Life 2016 Roundup
Because of Christ, we have a better forecast and a cloudless future.” -Dr. David Jeremiah from Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World On May 18th, Blake and I celebrated 13 years of marriage. As I anxiously checked the weather forecast for our May 21st Relay for Life, I was taken back to that day 13 […]
The Greatest Invitation Ever: A Revelation Recap
I am a self-proclaimed member of the FOMO club. One of my friends shared this with me when describing some people she knew. FOMO stands for the Fear Of Missing Out. At the time I didn’t have the heart to say that I definitely qualified to be a member of that club, if not serve […]
Becoming Passionate about Passion Week
Have you ever felt like the “Queen of the Afterthought”? I have a friend that regularly accuses herself of this, and most of the time, I am right there with her. My saving grace is that I happen to be married to the “King of the Forethought”. Problem is if he fails to read my […]
Warriors Lynn and Dennis
This past week has been an emotional week for many reasons but underlying it all I think is the letdown I feel for the end of October. As I mentioned it has not been the October I planned for, but it has been a good lesson in letting go and letting The Lord order my […]
Be Thou My Vision
“In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.” Prov 16:9 Shortly after my journey through Breast cancer treatment ended in February of 2012, we began another journey of treatment for our daughter’s not-so rare eye condition, Superior Oblique Paresis. At around the age of two we started to notice […]
A 38th Birthday Prayer
The theme of my heart lately has definitely been celebrating my smallness and striving toward small moment living. This is mostly due to my focus on reading Emily Freeman’s latest book, Simply Tuesday. Sometimes birthdays can seem like small moments especially for those insignificant numbers like 38. However since four years ago when future birthdays […]
These Are The Days of…/Simply Tuesday Release
Sometimes the big moments and tragic Tuesdays help us pay better attention to the importance of what is filling our ordinary Tuesdays. And sometimes a “These are the days of…” list helps us capture exactly what is filling our ordinary Tuesdays. For me, these are the days of… Reflecting on being four years small Holding […]
Vacation Recall
Bedtime routines are good for so many reasons. I think I remember from the baby days that by providing one, it is like a dependable signal for their little bodies that it is time to slow and rest. How important is it to have a dependable reminder for our body to slow and rest! At […]
The Last Day Sneak Attack
The water guns are prepped, the balloons are stacked. I along with the other moms of the Cove wait for our end of the year sneak attack on our not-so unassuming kiddos. Another school year is complete, and with a blink I now have a second grader. So I process and take it in since […]
Why Relay With Us?
It is almost that time of year to take part in the American Cancer Society’s great event, Relay For Life. There are many events in our community in which we could be involved to help support others facing cancer. We have prayerfully decided to put our energy into two main fundraising events for the year, Relay for […]
Statement of the Obvious
My mom gave me a gift this week! I love gifts. I love to receive them {especially the unexpected ones}, but even more than receiving them, I love to give them. I come by it naturally because of my mom. She is a thoughtful gift-giver. It seems that she is constantly thinking of how she […]
Focusing on the Milk and Honey
Someone once told me that the early years of parenting are physically exhausting but the next phase takes more of an emotional toll. Well, I think I have entered that next emotionally exhausting phase. It seems that every moment with a now 7 year old, first grader has the potential to be a teachable one. […]