I am a self-proclaimed member of the FOMO club. One of my friends shared this with me when describing some people she knew. FOMO stands for the Fear Of Missing Out. At the time I didn’t have the heart to say that I definitely qualified to be a member of that club, if not serve as the president. Because I am slightly more of an extrovert than an introvert and by golly one of the biggest people pleasers you will ever encounter, I love a good invitation. I see them as opportunities for relationship and a gift from the one inviting. So to have to decline one is a struggle. To not get one, especially one you know others have gotten, well that just feels like a serious jab to the gut and often sends me on pointless rewind of every interaction that might explain the lack of invitation.
Insecurities? I guess you could say I might have a few.
Perhaps this is why I have found the study of the book of Revelation to be so completely necessary for such a time as this. I remember how I felt going into the study. At first glance Revelation is an abstract outline of the sequence of events that are in store once Jesus makes His return, and it easily lives up to its reputation with frightful descriptions of seals, trumpets, and bowls, not to mention dragons, beasts and a burning lake of fire. It felt like such an ominous thing to choose to study, and I definitely worried my mind would not comprehend the symbolic writing that this book is known for. But had I missed out on the fact that this book is actually a beautiful invitation, indeed I would have missed the point.
After eight months of in-depth study, I think I understand the details of the invitation a bit better. The venue will be beyond adequate description really but “New” and characterized by light, colorful gemstones, a freely flowing river and fruitful trees. The time is yet to be known but we must always be ready. The dress should that of a Bride wearing white and adorned with the jewels of joy and happiness. Upon arrival and in order to enter, my name will need to be found in the guest Book. But the good news is that the guest list is still forming, and any and all are welcome to RSVP. Tears and pain will be prohibited, as will any impurity. While the idea of this excites me to no end, being in the presence of the Guest of Honor forever is what my heart longs for most.
There is much anticipation surrounding such an invitation, like the kind of anticipation that makes me want to say “can we just get on with it already?”. But then I realize that as hard as the waiting is amidst the serious decay we see around us each day, it is actually His patience and plan so that none should perish. When my focus is on the invitation, my position feels secure and my purpose becomes greater worship, I understand that I must do my part to extend the greatest invitation I have ever received to those around me.
The question I have been asked multiple times in our study lessons is that of application and how I can be more bold with extending the invitation to others. Although, I have felt that each step on the journey, including my breast cancer, has been preparation for more boldness, it does not come easy. In fact, I often try to hide behind love. While love is an essential part of the invitation and often the first step, it must be paired with my willingness to speak truth at the right moments.
Perhaps this is one of those moments….
If you too experience insecurities, like the kind that come from struggling through another day in this fallen world, I pray that you would know beyond any doubt that you are invited and need not ever fear missing out.
I pray that you have accepted the invitation to allow that Jesus’s death on the cross has dressed you in white and made you His Bride.
I pray that your confidence now lies in your secure position as one whose name will forever be included in the Book of Life which allows entrance into an eternal heavenly home.
I pray that together this confidence gives us a more heavenly focus with a greater HOPE to live in today.
He who is the faithful witness to all these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon!” Amen! Come, Lord Jesus!
Revelation 22:20 NLT

I have had the sweetest of blessings to study Revelation with my mom at Bible Study Fellowship this year.