A New Year’s Message from Pinked Perspective
As another holiday season ushers us into 2024, I have asked my family to each identify 3 personal highlights of 2023 and to then look forward to this coming year with what excites them about 2024. This was prompted by one particular message I heard this Advent season about HOPE. These days it often feels any hope we have is a hope “against all hope” as Abraham experienced (Romans 1:18). Unmet expectations, disappointment and for many, despair challenge us to believe good for the future. But without it, where are we left? I recall that in the midst of the dark night of breast cancer, as well as many dark times since, not only did I need to believe good for tomorrow but I also had to trust in and often wait (in the darkness) on the Source of the good. That one word HOPE was so formative of this little ministry and why I believe it has stood the test of what will be ten years as an official non-profit. We are all desperate for HOPE and it is the mission of Pinked to share it! In the spirit of speaking a blessing over those I love which is another area in which I am attempting to grow, receive the following for 2024:
May the God of HOPE fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with HOPE by the power of the Holy Spirit.“ (Romans 15:13)
Again, we are so grateful for a wonderful Think Pink season this fall. We were able to collect approximately $25,000.00 as our supporters were thinking pink with us during October and beyond. Many joined us for our annual Think Pink Family Fun Event on October 21st, and it was truly a wonderful {Maryland} celebration. In addition, we have those that are supporting Pinked with recurring payroll giving and end of year gifts that are so beneficial to the ongoing demand of breast cancer kits being sent out to those recently diagnosed and facing treatment. With the abundance of your support this year, we were able to bless a very special “Pink Warrior” family in our community that is facing treatment for breast cancer for a second time during this Christmas season.
We were able to send 351 breast cancer kits in 2023 and we are proud to be a part of meeting the needs of those facing breast cancer treatment all over the country. We look ahead to 2024 as we realize the demand will not slow down. In order to press on in our mission, we will be brainstorming on how to best utilize the resources we are so blessed with. We plan to continue updating our Amazon Wishlist to keep up with our most current needs each month as this has proven to be another one of the ways people choose to support Pinked as well. Be sure to continue checking your inbox on that First Monday of the month to hear about the latest happenings and needs of Pinked Perspective. For those that have considered supporting the mission of Pinked by hosting a Kit Assembly, we would love to hear from you and get something on the calendar with you for early 2024. We are so grateful to have several people that have already inquired to set up their Kit Assembly gatherings in Jan and Feb.
As we look ahead to a New Year, we hope you know that we cannot do this without you and appreciate you so much!
With the abundance of your support this year, we were able to bless a very special “Pink Warrior” family in our community that is facing treatment for breast cancer for a second time during this Christmas season. The basket was filled with gift cards and financial support to cover their holiday expenses.