Happy First Monday of March!
A breast cancer diagnosis is an initiation to a club that no one wants to join. This February, I received a phone call from a friend letting me know of another friend from church that was recently diagnosed. Phone drop…these are the calls I dread. I hate that she had to hear those words in the breast surgeon’s office. I hate that she is marching through the exhausting steps of gathering more information to determine her best treatment plan. I hate that she is bracing herself for the way chemo may or may not make her feel. I hate that she has to have scary conversations with her five children about the possibility of cancer taking her from them.
While I hate all of these realities she now faces, I am also honored to watch her walk out her faith in the face of such a journey. I am honored to see The Lord be present with her through each step of defining her diagnosis. I am honored to witness the church/community around her meet the physical needs of her family as she begins her chemo journey. And I will be honored to anticipate how this trial will grow her kids in their faith as they struggle with their fears and be reassured by the Hope that only Jesus can offer.
The death and resurrection of Jesus allows us to remain steadfast and face our trials with joy, knowing we have a God whom in all things works for the good of those who love him. Our battle scars represent much more than victory over physical pain and suffering; they are a reminder that our Savior has conquered death for once and for all!
“For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” 2 Corinthians 4:17-18
Pinked Workspace Update
On a much lighter note, we have been busy with renovations to create a designated workspace and storage for Pinked Perspective. We are thrilled to share some photos of the results. It is super helpful to have this space and definitely allows for a quicker turnaround of personalizing kits in order to prepare for shipping. In two short months of 2020, we have shipped over 50 kits. We have a few awesome Kit Assembly/Donation Parties set up over the next month. We are so grateful for the continued support of this ministry for those like my friend who was recently diagnosed and so many other ladies throughout the country.