In a little over a week, our family and several of our friends are going to be getting together for the first annual “Think Pink” Run/Walk in Crofton, MD and we wanted to invite anyone following the blog to participate. You can participate by either coming out to run/walk the entire loop or part of the Crofton Parkway (approximately 3.5 miles) or by donating items to provide “kits” for women who are facing Breast Cancer surgery. Read more about the kits from Day 6 and see our email invitation below for more details.
Many of you know that for the last two years our family has participated in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure in Hunt Valley, MD. Although we really enjoyed the experience of uniting with so many others that have been affected by breast cancer in an effort to raise awareness and money for research/programs, we have really been desiring something that is more local and personal for us. So with the help of a friend, an idea has evolved and we were hoping you would consider joining us. On Sat, October 26th, we are going to meet at 8 am at the Village Green parking lot in Crofton, MD for a “Think Pink” Run/Walk around the Crofton Parkway in celebration of Breast Cancer Awareness month. This is not a timed race. Some may run, some may walk, some may just hang out and wait for us to head over to Panera Bread (in Waugh Chapel) for Pink Ribbon Bagels and coffee!
Since my own journey through diagnosis and treatment for breast cancer, I have had the privilege of showing care for other breast cancer patients by providing a kit of a few helpful things for going through surgery. This is a ministry that I would love to see continue for many years to come. At the “Think Pink” Walk/Run, we are hoping to collect some donations for the kits (although it is not a requirement in order to take part).
Ideas of possible donation items would be:
- Pink (solid or patterned) fabric and ribbon for making the drain sacks (Tammy Smith has been so graciously offering her sewing skills for these)
- Jesus Calling devotional books
- Bars of Clear white Dial soap
- pink ribbon pens
- thin journals/notebooks
- button down pajamas (for various sizes and seasons)
- pink gift bags/tissue paper
- money to cover the cost of shipping to those who are out of town
- anything pink ribbon that you see while you are out and about shopping this month that might be a nice addition to the kits.
(This is what is usually included in a kit)
If you think you can attend and can let us know, that would be awesome but feel free to just show up and bring others the morning of the walk/run. Don’t forget to sport your pink!