It is always hard getting back into the swing of life after vacation. Can I get a witness? Last week my emotions were all over the place. I was short with my kids, disillusioned with work, frustrated by relationships and a bit anxious about Pinked all while also feeling really motivated to get some things […]
Vacation Recall
Bedtime routines are good for so many reasons. I think I remember from the baby days that by providing one, it is like a dependable signal for their little bodies that it is time to slow and rest. How important is it to have a dependable reminder for our body to slow and rest! At […]
Friends and Traditions
There are two things I love in life and therefore, pour a lot of my energy into: traditions and friends. I believe traditions allow for beautiful memories to be made for us and for our kids. And most of my closest friends I have, I have had for at least 15 years. However, there is […]