This whole blogging thing is so new to me that it often overwhelms me. Thank goodness for some friends who do it really well. One of those friends puts out a challenge to write on a topic every day for the month of October. Would I really have something worthwhile to say every day for 31 consecutive days? Speaking of overwhelming. But then I thought of how fun it could be to take an inventory of all that the Lord has taught me over the last year through my journey through breast cancer. Certainly I could find at least 31 things He has taught me, right? Then I realized that 31 Days just so happens to coincide with Breast Cancer Awareness month. I can totally do this! Here goes…
31 Days: Life Lessons Only Cancer Could Teach
Day 1: We all need community.
Day 2: There is no guarantee in tomorrow.
Day 3: I really enjoy writing.
Day 4: October is one of my favorite months of the year.
Day 5: I love vacations.
Day 6: Hair or no hair, I will always be “Mommy”.
Day 7: My husband is the wind in my sails.
Day 8: I lacked compassion.
Day 9: I long for the “endless hallelujah”.
Day 10: Watching the sunrise is one of my favorite things.
Day 11: My body is capable of way more than my mind tells me.
Day 12: There is no such thing as coincidence.
Day 13: I really love vacations.
Day 14: Jesus IS Calling.
Day 15: I don’t have an alien head.
Day 16: I delight in God’s Word.
Day 17: Listen to my body.
Day 18: I don’t hate the color pink.
Day 19: Only Jesus can turn trial into blessing.
Day 20: If it weren’t for cancer, I would have never met…
Day 21: Traditions are important!
Day 22: It’s not about me.
Day 23: I have lost my taste for Drunken Noodle.
Day 24: Suffering leads to intimacy.
Day 25: Only Jesus can turn trial into blessing. ~ Part 2
Day 26: Bald can be beautiful.
Day 27: I was in need of rescue from the “hollow motions”.
Day 28: Every year counts.
Day 29: I am blessed with a heritage of faith.
Day 30: In the words of my dear friend, “He always shows His Glory”.
Day 31: Before I ever got my diagnosis, I already had the cure.
Recap of 31 Days
reeve says
Kara! I had no idea you had a blog. I’m so happy I found you AND so happy to read this series and get to know better. I’m doing 31 days of a music-filled life.
Kimberly says
Cool! Looking forward to reading!
Laura says
Found you from the nester, cant wait to read these posts! If your up to home DIY stuff come check mine out 🙂
Laura from Life We Live 4
Domesticable says
Love your blog!
Becca says
Looking forward to this!!!
Nancy says
Kara, I found you from The Nester’s challenge (from last year). I have recently found out my cancer has returned and I’ve just started chemo. I am considering blogging about it for this year’s challenge. You can read my first post about my diagnosis here: